Publishing date: 1 march 2012
Publisher: CICO Books
Ms Brunke's main message in this book is that by observing various animals, we can uncover personalized lessons for ourselves. These lessons confer meaning beyond the superficial, thus enhancing our lives.
Each of the 12 lessons is derived from the observation of 5 exemplary animals as follows:
1. Attention and awareness (giraffe, mouse, rabbit, raccoon, tiger) - experiencing ourselves and understanding the world.
2. Balance (camel, cow, penguin, prairie dog, wolf) - knowing that all is well.
3. Communication (badger, coyote, elephant, monkey, raven) - satisfying our universal need to share.
4. Creation and creativity (cat, eagle, octopus, pig, robin) - producing reality and rearranging it.
5. Dreaming (bear, dragonfly, groundhog, lizard, seal) - providing fertile grounds for the self and the soul to meet and deepen their relationship.
6. Healing (dog, frog, gorilla, manatee, salamander) - making us whole again.
7. Integration (fox, hippopotamus, peacock, swan, zebra) - bringing together that which is separated.
8. Intuition (chicken, jaguar, llama, mantis, rhinoceros)- knowing instinctively.
9. Joy (dolphin, goat, goldfish, hummingbird, otter) - experiencing the fun and thrill of being alive.
10. Personal power (grasshopper, horse, lion, porcupine, shark) - being free and at peace with our authentic selves.
11. Transformation (alligator, bat, beetle, butterfly, snake) - being able to change.
12. Wisdom (moose, owl, spider, turtle, whale) - knowing the essential truth of life.
Author Dawn Baumann Brunke is an animal communicator, dream enthusiast, editor and writer of several books on healing, metaphysics and spirituality. Her emphasis is on the deep connection between animals, nature, self and spirit.