Thomas Aquinas--Aristotle--Rene Descartes--Epicurus--Martin Heidegger--Thomas Hobbes--David Hume--Immanuel Kant--Soren Kierkegaard--Karl Marx--John Stuart Mill--Friedrich Nietzsche--Plato--Karl Popper--Bertrand Russell--Jean-Paul Sartre--Arthur Schopenhauer--Socrates--Baruch Spinoza--Ludwig Wittgenstein

Thursday, 18 April 2013

                                                              in our daily lives

In a shrill voice, you interrupt;

In a manner so fierce and abrupt;

A friendly conversation you disrupt, 

The air of cheerfulness you corrupt.

Even if in patience you're bankrupt,

You shouldn't let your temper erupt.

For in much of human history,

There's enough of harm and misery.

Though it's never all hunky-dory,

Conflicts are often unnecessary.

So, we must not be loud or scary,

If peace were to become ordinary.

Sunday, 14 April 2013



Publishing date: 1 march 2012
Publisher: CICO Books

Ms Brunke's main message in this book is that by observing various animals, we can uncover personalized lessons for ourselves. These lessons confer meaning beyond the superficial, thus enhancing our lives.

Each of the 12 lessons is derived from the observation of 5 exemplary animals as follows:

1. Attention and awareness (giraffe, mouse, rabbit, raccoon, tiger) - experiencing ourselves and understanding the world.

2. Balance (camel, cow, penguin, prairie dog, wolf) - knowing that all is well.

3. Communication (badger, coyote, elephant, monkey, raven) - satisfying our universal need to share.

4. Creation and creativity (cat, eagle, octopus, pig, robin) - producing reality and rearranging it.

5. Dreaming (bear, dragonfly, groundhog, lizard, seal) - providing fertile grounds for the self and the soul to meet and deepen their relationship.

6. Healing (dog, frog, gorilla, manatee, salamander) - making us whole again.

7. Integration (fox, hippopotamus, peacock, swan, zebra) - bringing together that which is separated.

8. Intuition (chicken, jaguar, llama, mantis, rhinoceros)- knowing instinctively.

9. Joy (dolphin, goat, goldfish, hummingbird, otter) - experiencing the fun and thrill of being alive.

10. Personal power (grasshopper, horse, lion, porcupine, shark) - being free and at peace with our authentic selves.

11. Transformation (alligator, bat, beetle, butterfly, snake) - being able to change.

12. Wisdom (moose, owl, spider, turtle, whale) - knowing the essential truth of life.

Author Dawn Baumann Brunke is an animal communicator, dream enthusiast, editor and writer of several books on healing, metaphysics and spirituality. Her emphasis is on the deep connection between animals, nature, self and spirit.

Monday, 1 April 2013


The moment before KO
Life can be hard and problems can come in quick succession.

Entering box ring fail
Sometimes when you set about tackling them, you don't know where to start.
Matt LeBlanc boxing with a cat (Top of the Heap)
Instead, you get bogged down by trivial things.

Boxing fail
There is danger in trying too hard ...

Boxer uppercuts himself
Because you may hurt yourself in the process ...

Boxing referee dodges puch
Or threaten to hurt some innocent bystander ...

Muhammad Ali dodging punches
You know you can't dodge them forever ...

And running away can only make things worse!

Mike Tyson uppercut
So, you should focus your mind, aim straight, keep your eyes on the target and just do it!  You will defeat your problems gloriously!