Thomas Aquinas--Aristotle--Rene Descartes--Epicurus--Martin Heidegger--Thomas Hobbes--David Hume--Immanuel Kant--Soren Kierkegaard--Karl Marx--John Stuart Mill--Friedrich Nietzsche--Plato--Karl Popper--Bertrand Russell--Jean-Paul Sartre--Arthur Schopenhauer--Socrates--Baruch Spinoza--Ludwig Wittgenstein

Friday, 29 August 2014

17 June 1930 - 29 August 2012 (2nd Anniversary)

I'm happy for you, mother,
Back with dad, you're together.
For recently, I heard your banter.
Recalling old times so tender.

You loved durians, I remember;
Also a super popiah devourer,
A great chocolate sundae eater,
And a fierce crab-claw crusher.

This mortal divide is no bother,
As love is the great conquerer.
Forget your gentleness, I'll never;
Cos' I'm your loyal son forever!

Sunday, 24 August 2014


The fifth and latest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5)  had renamed "Feeding Disorder of Infancy or Early Childhood" to "Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder" (also known as Selective Eating Disorder (SED)). Not only has it broadened its diagnostic criteria, it is also a reflection of the realization that the eating disorder that prevents the consumption of certain foods is not merely a phase of childhood that can be outgrown with age, but can persist throughout the adult lives of people so afflicted.

Perhaps, the most infuriating and puzzling symptom of this disorder for parents of afflicted young children and even adult offsprings is their dislike and persistent refusal of fruits and vegetables. While the World Health Organization recommends that everyone eats five portions of fruits and vegetables a day, these victims may take zero portion for months, years or even whole lifetimes!

Such a chronic lack of fruits and vegetables will have dire health consequences.


There are a few reasons for the persistence into adulthood such child-like aversion towards fruits and vegetables:

1. Complacency.

Victims feel that they are young and invincible and are indifferent to future health problems. They assess their health by how they presently feel, not by evaluating their diet and lifestyles in the light of widely known medical evidence.

2. Victims place a higher priority on their work and social activities over  their health.

When they feel that they can hardly cope with their busy lifestyles, they eat for comfort or to merely suppress their hunger. So, they skip breakfast and eat whatever is quickest to buy and most convenient to eat. Soon, foods devoid of fruits and vegetables like instant noodles, cracker snacks, delivered fast foods and pizzas become their staple food.

3. Laziness.

Some victims spend most of their time cooped up in their rooms stuck with their computers and electronic devices, lying in their sofas or beds. To them, going to the kitchen, opening the fridge door, washing and cutting or peeling some fruits to eat seem so much of a chore. It would seem much easier to reach for the chips and chocolates on their table.

4. Never eating home meals.

Perhaps, by force of habit or as a form of rebellion, some victims eat out every meal of the day, every day of the year. Even when they are home early, they may call for delivered fast foods to be eaten in their rooms, spurning the home-cooked vegetable dishes eaten by the rest of the family.

5. An acquired taste for sugar and salt.

Victims base their food decisions on taste and appearance, not on their nutrient or health benefits. Due to the commercialization of food, widespread advertising has caused victims to associate sweet and salty foods with their modern lifestyles and reject as more disagreeable the blander and potentially more sour and bitter fruits and vegetables.

6. Ignorance.

Despite the many campaigns, advertisements, books, magazines and TV programs that inform about the benefits of fruits and vegetables, many victims choose to ignore such advice either because they lack education and do not understand the science behind them or they are bored by their repetition.


It is widely known that fruits and vegetables provide numerous nutrients that help to lower the risks of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and obesity. Therefore, a deficiency of fruits and vegetables may increase the risks of these serious diseases.

If we refer to the largest prospective cohort study of 500,000 participants in Europe on the relationship between diet and chronic diseases called the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) Study (1993 to date), we can deduce the following key findings regarding the intake of fruits and vegetables:

1. The high potassium from fruits and vegetables prevents high blood pressure.

2. High dietary fibre (including from fruits and vegetables) protects against bowel cancer.

3. Obesity (which may be caused by a high-calorie, high carbohydrate diet in contrast to a diet rich in fruits and vegetables) increases the risk of developing a number of cancers.

4. Increased fat intake (in contrast to a high fruit and vegetable diet) increases the risk of breast cancer.

5. Dietary flavonoid (found ubiquitously in vegetables and fruits) is associated with reduced gastric carcinoma risk in women.

6. Reducing the consumption of processed meat (perhaps by correspondingly increasing fruit and vegetable consumption) can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and death from cancer.

7. An increase in fruit and vegetable intake reduces the risk from all causes of an early death.

8. The consumption of at least five daily servings of fruits and vegetables (together with not smoking, being physically active and moderated alcohol intake) was estimated to lengthen life by 14 years.

But, I guess with the increasing petulance of the younger generation and the undying indulgence of their parents, this will continue to fall on deaf ears.

Saturday, 9 August 2014



The whole effort of religion is a human attempt to try to find order from a chaotic world. We can't accept random events of suffering and evil. We disbelieve that misfortunes are chance events. We want a worldly existence full of meaning and justice, yet all evidence points to the contrary. Are we left only with the the feeling of depression and abandonment as in existential philosophy?

So, despite the foregoing explanations, questions persist. Why is there evil and suffering at all? Why are they so hard to bear? Why doesn't God prevent them? And when they happened, why didn't God relieve or remove them? Does God know about my suffering? Or is God powerless or indifferent? Does God love me at all? How can He bear to let humans He love suffer so much?Or does He even exist?


1. Isaiah 45:7 (KJV)
7 "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things."

Does God create evil?

2. Amos 3:6 (KJV)
6 "When a trumpet sounds in a city, do not the people tremble? When disaster comes to a city, has not the LORD caused it?"

Is God responsible for natural disasters?

3. 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9 (KJV)
8 "In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:" 9 "Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power;"

Does God ruthlessly punish and take revenge on those who don't know him or don't obey him?


We have 3 options:

1. We can go on asking: why can't we be free-willed beings in a world without evil, living a life of moral goodness and mutual love, cooperating with God and enjoying His glory?

2. We can accept the Christian faith as it is and trust God whole-heartedly. But, this only works if your acceptance is true and sincere. Pascal's Wager will not do.

3. For those who somehow could not accept the Bible story or could not betray their intellectual honesty, you can assume that this may be the only life you've got and make the best of it and be the best person you can be despite the uncertainty, randomness and indifference of this existence.


(Morally justifying God's tolerance of evil)

1. Augustinian Theodicy

In the beginning, God created a perfect world without evil or suffering. When Adam and Eve disobeyed God, it allowed evil to enter the world. Evil and suffering thus become the just punishment for this original sin.

Furthermore, according to the Augustinian tradition, any killing, suffering and pain as inflicted upon an enemy when encountered in a just war is positively justified.

2. Irenaean Theodicy

Humans are created in a two-stage process: made first in the image of God whereby the potential for moral perfection is bestowed; and secondly, made in the likeness of God when perfection is actually achieved. To complete this second stage, humans need to have free will and must experience suffering. Such evil is necessary to allow humans to develop as moral agents in this process of spiritualization and soul-making.

3. Eleonore Stump's Theodicy

In her view, the natural evils of disasters, disease, old age and death work to humble humans and make them realize their own frailty and the temporary nature of their satisfaction with themselves and their worldly possessions. This may help them turn their attention to spiritual things and make it more conducive for them to accept the gift of salvation from God.

4. God's Mysterious Plan:

Like a form of predestination, all events have been willed by God. He has a plan whereby each episode of suffering and evil serves a purpose, either to punish us for our misdeeds, to teach us a valuable lesson, to test our faith or free will, to liberate us from more pain or to serve a higher historical purpose or greater good; so just trust God that everything happens for a reason. If life is considered as a whole, misfortunes fall into a certain pattern such that the suffering will not be more than you can bear, the good will eventually exceed the evil and in cases of apparently undeserved or uneven distribution of suffering, the joys of heaven will more than compensate for those. So, each episode of suffering only has a (human) meaning if we attach our own meaning to it, because ultimately, God's plan is beyond human understanding.


(Defending the logical possibility of God's tolerance of evil)

1. Alvin Plantinga's free will defense:

It is God’s decision to endow his creations with morally significant free will which is crucial if He is to have a meaningful relationship with them and to enable them to do good and love one another. But, the natural consequence is that the moral choices afforded by such free will render the elimination of much of the evil and suffering in this world impossible. That is because our free will may be misused by us and lead us to make bad moral choices to hurt each other and hurt ourselves such that we actually deserve having the resultant misfortunes. So, you can't have free will without also having evil and suffering.

2. Dualism of Good and Evil:

Good and evil are like 2 sides of a coin. You can't have one without the other. They are necessary complementary opposites with God responsible for good and Satan responsible for evil.

3. Evil does not exist:

Evil as an entity does not exist. Like coldness, coldness as an entity does not exist but is a condition of varying degrees of absence of heat. Heat certainly exists as it is a form of energy associated with the motion of atoms or molecules and capable of being transmitted. So, evil is merely the absence or deficiency in goodness and therefore has nothing to do with God.

4. Karma:

This is the principle of causality where the future of an individual is influenced by his present intentions and actions. Good intentions and good actions give good karma leading to good future outcomes while the opposite leads to suffering and evil.

I have 2 premises:

1. The Christian God is characterized by being omni-benevolent, omniscient and omnipotent. This premise is crucial because It is only with these qualities that God could create the world and all its creatures, be the master of all existence and be able to make good the promise of salvation and eternal life in heaven.

2. There is plenty of evil in this world. By evil, I mean both moral badness and wickedness, as well as events causing injuries, harm, misfortune, loss or destruction and illnesses that cause pain, suffering and death. This is a factual premise as evidence is readily available in history, current affairs as well as our daily personal experiences.

Perhaps, the greatest stumbling block to faith in the Christian God is the apparent irreconcilable contradictions between these 2 premises. We wonder how an all-loving God can allow his creations to suffer evil, how an all-knowing God can fail to prevent or stop evil and how an all-powerful God can be powerless against evil forces.

I shall attempt to show how and why God and evil can co-exist and evaluate the sufficiency of my efforts.