Thomas Aquinas--Aristotle--Rene Descartes--Epicurus--Martin Heidegger--Thomas Hobbes--David Hume--Immanuel Kant--Soren Kierkegaard--Karl Marx--John Stuart Mill--Friedrich Nietzsche--Plato--Karl Popper--Bertrand Russell--Jean-Paul Sartre--Arthur Schopenhauer--Socrates--Baruch Spinoza--Ludwig Wittgenstein

Friday, 27 October 2023

Mitochondrial Metabolic Theory of Cancer

What is cancer?

1. A disease of abnormal or uncontrolled growth? Yes, but how and why?

2. A disease caused by somatic mutations? Well, cancer first or mutations first?

3. A disease caused by mitochondrial metabolic abnormalities induced by chronic non-fatal injury leading to a regressive evolution of affected cells into ancient and undifferentiated cells and each behaving as independent and competitive unicellular organisms within the human body. This we call the Mitochondrial Metabolic Theory of Cancer.

The theory proposes that any number of non-specific influences including age, viral infections, chronic inflammation, intermittent hypoxia, radiation exposure, chemical carcinogens, etc  gradually damages mitochondria by disrupting the oxidative phosphorylation process of ATP production.. This leads to the acccummulation of reactive oxygen species and acidification of the micro-environment which further damages both the mitochondria and the nucleus thereby driving somatic mutations. The gradual reduction of oxidative phosphorylation efficiency elicits a mitochondrial stress response through retrograde signalling that activates various oncogenes to upregulate receptors and enzymes in both the glycolysis and the glutaminolysis pathways constituting substrate level (vs oxidative) phosporylation. 

Cellular differentiation is a process maintained by the normal functioning of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, so its damage will lead to de-differentiation. This freedom from control will cause cells to enter its default state, marking an evolutionary return back 2.6 billion years back to being unicellular cells in which unbridled proliferation is driven by fermentation metabolism. So, cancer cells are damaged cells which evolved backwards to become independent unicellular organisms competing with neighbouring normal cells for survival instead of co-operating with them as part of a multicellular organism.

Tuesday, 1 August 2023


In a report “Diabetes: a defining disease of the 21st century” published on 24 June 2023 by The Lancet, it is estimated that more than 1·31 billion people could be living with diabetes by 2050 worldwide, more than double the 529 million in 2021. Type 2 diabetes, usually an adult disease, is now occurring in childhood and, in fact, its incidence in US  children had increased by 95% between 2001 and 2017.

Not only diabetes, but in the US, for those above 50 years-old, the number with at least one chronic disease is estimated to increase by 99.5% from 71.522 million in 2020 to 142.66 million by 2050.  For example, fatty liver disease which used to occur only in alcoholics, now affects 100 million non-alcoholics in the US and has become the most common liver disease in children there, having more than doubled in the last 20 years. Now, there is even an unexplained increase in cancer in millennials  in developed countries.

Chronic illnesses will cause about 70% of all deaths and account for at least 75% of healthcare spending in most developed countries.

Doctors can diagnose, treat, prescribe pills and give advice to control these conditions, but since their work do not address the underlying causes of these metabolic disorders, they cannot cure them. Management of these chronic diseases and their complications by clinics and hospitals will have to be long-term or for life, while the burgeoning number of new cases will add increasing stress to the system and costs to our economy.

Most of these worldwide trends are driven by demographic shifts causing national populations to age rapidly, the high stress of modern living, higher rates of obesity, widespread sleep deprivation, environmental pollution and occupational risks, tobacco use, alcohol use, and low physical activity. Yet, objective evidence seems to indicate that the most important factor is dietary in nature; especially the specific increase in consumption of high-sugar and high-carbohydrate ultra-processed foods since the 1980s. It is so prevalent that today, such foods make up 73% of US food supply.

To stop the tide, we need to empower our population to change their diet and lifestyle and political action to transform our food and social culture.

If the 3-year Covid-19 pandemic which resulted in 1,722 deaths necessitated a special national task force, this chronic disease tsunami would necessitate an even greater and wider effort to overcome it. The recently-launched Healthier-SG initiative is well-intended, but in its present form is ill-suited for the task as it is conceptually and operationally too narrow and misdirected. It is too tediously pre-occupied with data collection, selective age-group enrolments and individually-prescribed physical activities when it should be launching a free society-wide programme of culture change in our health landscape. Needfully, everyone of us will have to do our part urgently, starting from our children, our young and healthy all the way to our seniors, our doctors, scientists, researchers and politicians, to tackle the underlying causes of the crisis.

Though the challenge is great, much of what needs to be done is already known. First, we ought to start an honest and authentic conversation about the facts and the science. Then, we should believe that we are capable of changing our lifestyles. And finally, we must have the will and courage to do it!

Sunday, 2 July 2023


And Its Implication For Climate Change Fallacies

On 1 June 2023, for the first half of June our Mets service forecasted that daily maximum temperature would range between 33-34*C and up to 35*C and rainfall to be near average.

More sweaty 29°C nights in S'pore in first 2 weeks of June 2023 - Mothership.SG - News from Singapore, Asia and around the world

On 16 June 2023, the forecast for the second half of the month was 34*C, up to 35*C on some days and below average rainfall.

Yet, on 2 July 2023, it reported that the actual daily maximum temperature in June was actually lower than in May, ranging between 32-34*C. The actual rainfall was also higher than average, not lower.

Warm and dry weather expected in first half of July - TODAY

It is noted that our Mets Service weather forecasts which is only for a 2-week period had been wildly inaccurate. In fact the forecasted weather is the exact opposite to what actually later transpired. It predicted higher temperatures in June 2023, but it was actually lower; it predicted lower rainfall, but it was actually higher! 

So, on a global scale, how can we trust the shrill predictions of the urgent prospect of a burning planet destroying itself if average global temperatures were to exceed the average 1850-1900 temperatures by 1.5*C? That “Final call to save the world from climate catastrophe” report on 8 October 2018 warned that “going past 1.5*C is dicing with the planet's liveability.”

Final call to save the world from 'climate catastrophe' - BBC News

At the COP26 Summit on 6 November 2021, it was announced that the Earth had already warmed by 1.1*C and warned that if it warmed by another 0.4*C by 2100, this half-degree Celsius difference in temperature would make a “huge” “difference for life on Earth”! They predicted “that 70 to 90% of coral reefs will die off worldwide.” They also said that unheard-of storms will be so common that “infrastructure like buildings, roads and storm drains” may not survive. And “many small island nations around the world are at risk of becoming uninhabitable”, if further warming occurs.

How the climate would change if the world warms over 1.5 degrees : NPR

Now, on 17 May 2023, “researchers” now say “they are 98% certain the high mark (of 1.5*C) will be broken before 2027.” So, now they are no longer talking about 2100, but 2027! So, are the worldwide calamities they predicted for 2100 now going to happen in 4 years?

Now, back to Singapore’s erroneous temperature and rainfall forecasts during each of the two 2-week intervals in a single month in June 2023, it is noted that they are already off by 1-2*C in a small locality in a single month.. Such errors in a tropical island at the Equator like Singapore, which is known for its stable climate and weather, only tells us the foolhardiness of trying to predict the global climate which have wide latitudinal variations of temperatures and seasons over the next 77 years and worse, to warn of Hollywood-style planetary disasters over a 0.4*C increase of “global” (where is this temperature experienced anyway?) temperature over those 77 years!

This is not a man-made climate change that we are facing. This is a man-made pseudo-crisis that is illogical, unreal and non-existent.