Thomas Aquinas--Aristotle--Rene Descartes--Epicurus--Martin Heidegger--Thomas Hobbes--David Hume--Immanuel Kant--Soren Kierkegaard--Karl Marx--John Stuart Mill--Friedrich Nietzsche--Plato--Karl Popper--Bertrand Russell--Jean-Paul Sartre--Arthur Schopenhauer--Socrates--Baruch Spinoza--Ludwig Wittgenstein

Thursday, 29 December 2011



Well, Adele's "21" has just been confirmed as the best selling album of 2011, having sold over 5.28 million copies in the U.S. alone.

I don't know about you, but no matter how many times I listen to her hit songs "Rolling In The Deep" or "Someone Like You" above, I just can't bring myself to be enthusiastic about them.  To me, they are just so-so songs.  Perhaps, it's my fault!  The music-buying millions can't be wrong.

Now, listen to Diane Birch's "Nothing But A Miracle", the lead single or "Fools" from her 2009 album "Bible Belt" which only peaked at No. 87 in the US Billboard 200 back in 2009.  Probably, I'm weird, but I prefer Birch's music about a million times more!

I never cease to be amazed by her voice, musicality and song-writing talent; so much so that I don't get tired of listening to her even after repeated plays!


If you bear with me ..., please listen to Donald Fagen's "On The Dunes" from his second solo album "Kamakiriad" released in 1993.  In my opinion, this is about the coolest song I've ever heard.  Though this is one of the most under-rated albums, at least, the album peaked at No. 10 in the US Billboard 200 back in 1993.

So, just imagine - if Fagen's "On The Dunes" is a million times cooler than Birch's "Nothing But A Miracle"; and Birch's song is a million times cooler than Adele's top selling "Rolling In The Deep"; then, where does it leave today's music in the ears of music critics?  Ok, maybe it's just me and my one solitary opinion ...


So, if you have the stomach for it, here is one more gem from Fagen's album. Enjoy!

Wednesday, 21 December 2011


For most people, aging or senescence is taken for granted to be an inevitable process. Much as we resent growing old and put in much effort fighting the ravages of aging by exercise, healthy living, cosmetics or aesthetic surgery and procedures; we can't deny that we all age.  It is the ultimate social leveller.

Though commonly thought to be natural, from the scientific viewpoint at least, aging is quite a mystery and its investigation had been exercising the best scientific brains for centuries.  Now, we do know a few things about it.

Types of aging

First, we have to discriminate between the different types of aging:

1. Cellular senescence
If you put some somatic cells in a petri dish with their required nutrients, they will undergo about 50 cell divisions and then stop. If there is DNA damage or breaks during replication, divisions may stop even earlier (Hayflick phenomenon). This loss of ability to divide constitute cellular aging. Cell divisions are limited by at least 2 factors.  First, the ends of chromosomes, called telomeres, which are needed for maintaining chromosomal integrity shorten successively with each cell cycle. It is this shortening of the telomeres that contributes to aging by limiting the number of cell divisions; and is associated with increased mortality from heart disease, infectious diseases, dementia and cancers.  Secondly, limiting the number of cell divisions is an in-built mechanism to prevent the onset of cancer since unlimited divisions will inevitably lead to an accumulation of DNA mutations.

2. Organismal senescence
Organismal aging refers to the aging of the whole organism.  This is marked by a progressive deterioration of physiological and homeostatic functions, a decreased ability to respond to stress, a lowered efficiency of DNA repair, an imbalance between antioxidant enzyme secretion and free-radical production, an increased vulnerability to infections and an increased risk of age-related diseases.

3. Brain senescence
Brain aging is marked by poorer cognitive abilities, poorer memory, more aggression and anxiety and the higher risks of developing Alzheimer's disease and Parkinsons's disease.  Recent research suggests brain aging is related to a reduction of the activity of a protein called CREB1 (cAMP response element-binding 1) which plays a crucial role in regulating important brain functions.

The role of cell senescence in organismal senescence and and the co-relations between organismal and brain senescence are at present unclear.

Determinants of human life-span

A.  Genetic determinants - 25%

1. Genes that regulate nuclear integrity, DNA repair and the production of proteins.

2. Genes that regulate telomere length.

3. Genes that affect stress resistance and the control of oxidative damage by reactive oxygen species.

4. Genes in mitochondrial DNA. Under attack by reactive oxygen species, mitochondrial DNA mutates about 10 to 20 times faster than nuclear DNA.  The resultant damage or loss of mitochondrial DNA reduces the production of ATP and leads to cell death and aging.

5. Genes that regulate gene expression through the sirtuin pathways.  Sirtuins are enzymes called deacetylases thought to mediate the lifespan-increasing effect of caloric restriction. Caloric restriction is known to retard age-related changes in skin, bone, muscle and blood vessels; and reduce the incidence of tumors.

6. Genes that regulate signaling by insulin and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1)- like molecules. Reduced insulin signalling is associated with lower risk of diabetes mellitus, reduced oxidative stress, increased tumor suppression and prolonged lifespan . The association of small body size within a species with increased longevity may also exert its effect through this pathway.

7. Genes involved in chronic low-level inflammation. Chronic inflammation is associated with several age-related diseases, including atherosclerosis, cancer, and type 2 diabetes mellitus.

B. Non-genetic determinants -75%

1. Environmental exposures.

2. Accidents.

3. Injuries.

4. Chance events.

How to decrease aging and increase your lifespan? 

A. Stop damage to your health

1. Stop smoking, drinking and abusing drugs.

2. Change to a low salt, low sugar and low fat diet.

3. Reduce weight and maintain your Body Mass Index at between 18.5 to 23.0 (for Asians).

4. Exercise by brisk walking, cycling or swimming for 30 minutes 5 times a week.

5. Reduce stress.

6. Sleep adequately (between 6 to 8 hours nightly).

7. Adopt a positive attitude/outlook in life.

B. Practise Caloric Restriction

A calorie restriction diet reduces your intake of calories by 20 to 40% from your usual intake while ensuring that all the necessary nutrients and vitamins are provided.  This probably constitutes the only presently available method that can positively extend your life span.  It had been proven in every species so far tested, including worms, spiders, rodents, dogs, cows and monkeys.  As stated above, recent research had shown that caloric restriction dramatically increases the action of CREB1 protein in the brain.  In turn, CREB1 activates many genes linked to longevity and to the proper functioning of the brain by switching on the sirtuins.

Saturday, 10 December 2011


Let me confess right here that before writing this, I have not the faintest idea how to face and respond to criticism.  You can call it self-righteousness, pride or stubbornness, but in the past, I have always responded badly to criticism.  So, this is really partly my own self-therapy.

Reflex reactions

The following immediate reactions are normal:
(1)  Denial
(2)  Anger
(3)  Hurt
(4)  Defensiveness
(5)  Tendency to counter-attack

These constitute what I call the Disastrous Immediate Reaction (DIR).  It should be avoided at all costs because once the recipient of the criticism manifest the DIR, you can bet that from that moment on, no useful discussion can ensue.  All pretense to gentlemanly behavior will surely be thrown out of the window, and only an unhelpful battle of wills and pride will prevail.

So how should we proceed?

On receiving any criticism from anyone, I recommend the following steps:

Step 1: imagine you are kissing your girl now!

When you do that, it effectively suppresses the DIR (disastrous immediate reaction).  You can't get angry, you can't talk and you feel good.  That's exactly how you should behave when you first realize someone is criticizing you!

Step 2:  Listen to your critic as if he is the invigilator giving you instructions at the start of an important exam you are taking!

That way, you will concentrate and listen very carefully to what he has to say. You will not be thinking of how to conduct a counter-offensive but trying very hard to understand the substance of his message.

Step 3: After he finished, discuss with him his main points as if he is a doctor and you are his patient!  Make sure that he confirms your understanding of his feedback.

Ask for his suggestions where improvements can be made.  When you adopt such a positive attitude towards his criticisms, your critic is likely to soften his stand and may be less likely to criticize you in the future.

Step 4: Thank him sincerely as if a helpful bystander had helped you to your feet after you had a fall.

It'll be unwise to immediately tell him that you disagree with his feedback and suggestions.

Step 5:  After that person had left, imagine directing the same criticisms at yourself.

That way, you'll be forced to confront, analyze and evaluate the criticism by judging whether they are consistent with your fundamental beliefs and personal goals.

In conclusion

If you accept that you are not perfect, you must entertain the possibility that others may see something about you that you are not aware of.  You must appreciate that it took great courage, trust and caring from others to tell you what they really think about you or your actions.  The least you could do is to meet such frankness and sincerity by showing an equal degree of openness and humility.

So, when someone criticizes you in the future, just remember the kissing girl, the invigilator, the doctor, the helpful bystander and the self-critic.  They are really your good angels!