Thomas Aquinas--Aristotle--Rene Descartes--Epicurus--Martin Heidegger--Thomas Hobbes--David Hume--Immanuel Kant--Soren Kierkegaard--Karl Marx--John Stuart Mill--Friedrich Nietzsche--Plato--Karl Popper--Bertrand Russell--Jean-Paul Sartre--Arthur Schopenhauer--Socrates--Baruch Spinoza--Ludwig Wittgenstein

Sunday, 13 November 2016

Why Clinton Lost

It is a great puzzle to me why people say they were shocked by Hillary Clinton's loss in the Presidential Election 5 days ago. Readers of this blog would have known that I support Donald Trump right from the beginning and the reason for my support is so obvious that, to me, it is a complete no-brainer. Basically, the reason has less to do with Trump and more to do with her own faults. For those who are still scratching their heads, these are the more important reasons:

1. Hillary Clinton is not suitable for public office because of her crimes.

She is involved in too many crimes, from breaching state secrets by illegally setting up an unsecured private email server in her house basement to conduct official business and divulging them to her aides and maid who had no security clearance, obstructing justice by destroying evidence of her crimes, being involved in corruptly selling favors to foreigners in blatant pay-for-play schemes under the Clinton Foundation, committing perjury by repeatedly lying to Congress about her email server, about the Clinton Foundation and about Benghazi, being involved in arms sales to terrorists, engaging paid disrupters to commit violent acts at Trump's rallies, planning voter fraud, and breaking campaign finance laws by accepting contributions from foreign donors through surrogates, etc.

2. She ran a very poor campaign.

This is all the more surprising given that she has been a career politician for 30 years and was involved in presidential campaigns against Barack Obama and Bernie Sanders. Yet, her campaign is devoid of that "one great idea" that is essential in capturing the imagination of her voters. Her campaign slogans had drifted from "I'm with Her", to "Make America Whole", to "Love and Kindness", to "Break Down Barriers", to "Build Ladders of Opportunity", to "Love Trumps Hate" and to "Stronger Together". With so many slogans, instead of reinforcing each other, they indicate that there is an identity crisis in her campaign that confuses voters as to what her reason for running was. Ok, "I'm with Her", but for what? Well, "Stronger Together", but to do what?

She also did not articulate her plans for America about reforming or improving Obama's policies. A large part of her campaign is about making accusations about her opponent and employing dirty tricks to paint him in the worst possible light. Together with a colluding mass media that almost exclusively ran non-stop negative stories about Trump from every possible angle, her campaign induced voter fatigue such that nobody wanted to listen anymore to these tiresome implausible accounts. 

3. She had lost touch with the common people and did not understand their needs.

While Trump was talking about jobs, immigration, national security, health insurance, childcare costs and education policies, she concentrated on maintaining the culture of political correctness by talking about bigotry, sexism, racism, xenophobia and Islamophobia. In her haste to push such issues, she also made the fatal error of attacking voters instead of just attacking Trump by labelling them as deplorable, irredeemable and "not America". That alone would have caused a large section of voters to never ever vote for her.

4. She lacks charisma.

Charisma is an essential quality in a political leader that can charm and inspire people to believe in her qualities and her mission. But, her voice, her tone, her choice of words, her expressions, her behavior and general demeanor did not engender trust nor attract voters towards her. In short, people find her hard to like.

So, the election result has less to do with what Trump did right and more to do with what she did wrong. The best things about Trump's campaign are nothing spectacular, but just common sense things. Her loss was triggered by an implosion within her campaign caused by WikiLeaks' revelations about her too many past and present scandals, her over-confidence leading to a lack of campaign preparation and coherence and a lack of personal qualities essential for the office of president of the USA. 

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