Thomas Aquinas--Aristotle--Rene Descartes--Epicurus--Martin Heidegger--Thomas Hobbes--David Hume--Immanuel Kant--Soren Kierkegaard--Karl Marx--John Stuart Mill--Friedrich Nietzsche--Plato--Karl Popper--Bertrand Russell--Jean-Paul Sartre--Arthur Schopenhauer--Socrates--Baruch Spinoza--Ludwig Wittgenstein

Monday, 17 June 2019

Final Demolition Of The Ridiculous Climate Change Scam

For CO2 to be a problem, all three of the following statements must be true:
(1) Temperatures must follow CO2 concentrations; in other words, CO2 must ‘drive’ global temperatures. 

Yet, historical records show the opposite: that it is actually CO2 that follows changes in temperatures.

(2) The ice core record of CO2 must reflect what is in the atmosphere at the time stipulated. 

Yet, the ice core CO2 is wrong because it is not consistent with plant stomata CO2 records.

(3) Most or all of the recent CO2 increase must have been caused by us. 

Yet, the fact is that man-made CO2 emissions is only 38 gigatons per year compared to natural CO2 emissions from rotting vegetation and from the oceans of 770 gigatons per year. That works out that only 4.7% of CO3 emissions comes from humans. This coupled with the actual fact that CO2 residence time in the atmosphere is only 5.3 years, means that human contribution to CO2’s alleged effect on temperature rise must be quite negligible! Further, if CO2’s rise from 280ppm to 415ppm in the industrial period by 135ppm is really all caused by humans and the temperature has risen by only 0.8 degree Celsius, then the climate sensitivity to CO2 must be pretty low anyway.


All three statements are false and therefore this whole vicious Global Warming/Climate Change scam must be exposed for what it is.

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