Thomas Aquinas--Aristotle--Rene Descartes--Epicurus--Martin Heidegger--Thomas Hobbes--David Hume--Immanuel Kant--Soren Kierkegaard--Karl Marx--John Stuart Mill--Friedrich Nietzsche--Plato--Karl Popper--Bertrand Russell--Jean-Paul Sartre--Arthur Schopenhauer--Socrates--Baruch Spinoza--Ludwig Wittgenstein

Monday, 10 October 2016


Throughout the Democratic presidential campaign, I was mystified by 3 things:

(1) What is Hillary Clinton's vision for America and the main reason for her to run for President?
As her campaign wears on, her slogans had been "I'm with Her", "Make America Whole", "Love and Kindness", "Break Down Barriers", "Build Ladders of Opportunity", "Love Trumps Hate" and finally, "Stronger Together". The vagueness and the rapidity with which each slogan is adopted and discarded gives one the impression that none of them is genuine. At least, we know that Donald Trump is running to "Make America Great Again".

(2) Why did the Democratic Party feel the compulsion to undemocratically rig the Primaries against Bernie Sanders to nominate Clinton when Sanders was more popular and, unlike her, he was free from a long history of past or present scandals; and in all likelihood, would trounce Trump easily in the General Election? 
So, it is inexplicable that the Democratic Party went out of its way to, in one way or another, to nominate Clinton. It seems that there is a real need to ensure that only Hillary is made President.

(3) Why is it that, given Clinton's vast political experience, polish and knowledge, she found it necessary to concentrate on personal attacks, trying to slant every word he utters in a negative way and digging out decades-old audio and video footage of Trump caught in potentially politically-incorrect situations to conjure false public uproars?
One would have thought she should have the confidence to outsmart, out-think and out-talk him easily. After all, she is a career politician for 30 years and Trump is only into politics now. So, if gutter politics is her main weapon, one wonders what is the source of such desperation.

After watching the second debate, I am no longer mystified! While everybody was talking about the fireworks at the debate, discussing the proceedings and conjecturing about who actually won the debate, one moment in the debate struck me as most significant.

At a crucial point, Trump said that if he becomes president, he would instruct his attorney general to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate her case of deleting 33,000 emails AFTER a congressional subpoena was issued to specifically preserve those emails. Clinton replied haltingly that it is "awfully good that someone with the temperament of Trump is not in charge of the law in our country." To which, Trump blasted "because you'd be in jail!" At that instant, the audience exploded into loud cheers. If you look at her expression and hear her tone when she was replying, you find that she suddenly looked so old, wearing a pained look with a faltering voice; and her downcast eyes upon hearing Trump's rebuttal and the spontaneous audience reaction, you will not miss that what Trump said touched a very raw nerve. The false smile which she employs whenever she is caught out is gone. This, I think, is a very significant moment. She knows she had done wrong and that it is unfair to all Americans that she is getting off scot-free.

If my theory that Hillary is running for the presidency mainly to avoid prosecution is correct, it will make perfect sense to the 3 mysteries above. She apparently does not have a vision or reason to run because her real reason may be to avoid jail by becoming president. Bernie Sanders was sacrificed because she is unsure if Bernie will collude with the Justice Department or not, to spare her. And she is using mainly smear tactics against Trump because she hates him for threatening to jail her.

I rest my case.

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