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Saturday, 15 October 2016

The Politics of Sexual Assault Accusations

With Hillary Clinton reeling from the massive release of Wikileaks hard evidence of her lies, collusion and corruption, her campaign had responded by suddenly highlighting several cases of women coming forward to accuse Donald Trump of past sexual assaults. The sudden rush of cases and the seemingly coordinated nature of these complaints slightly more than 3 weeks before Election Day is nothing short of extraordinary.

Without going into the details of each individual case, I'll be pointing out 7 factors that undermine the credibility of all these complaints.

1. Lateness

Why are these complaints made so close to Election Day? Election season for Trump actually started on 16 June 2015 when he formally announced his intention to run. That is a full 16 months ago. So, they had plenty of time and opportunity to start their complaints, yet they all chose to bring it out only now, 3 and a half weeks before Election Day. It appears that they want to influence the outcome of the election.

2. Coordination

Why did the women all come forward at the same time? It is as if the women felt that there is some urgency for them to be heard now and heard together. Why the urgency and the need for the stories to reinforce each other? This is highly suspicious.

3. Avenue of complaints

Why did all the women go to the media instead of reporting to the police or sue Trump in court? It appears that they are more interested in fueling publicity rather than genuinely seeking justice for their grievances.

4. Lack of spontaneity

Why did they not complain at the time when the alleged assault occurred? None of them had thought of complaining since the alleged incidents occurred. Then, suddenly, they all felt the need to speak out. This suggests that they may have been motivated by some person or agency; and since all the cases have this common characteristic, it is conceivable that they are motivated by the same person or agency.

5. Long history

Why did the women take such a long time after the alleged incidents to start complaining for the first time? One 74 year-old women claimed that she was assaulted when she was 38 while on a plane. That was a full 36 years ago! So, why now? It is quite incredible a person can wait 36 years before suddenly speaking out.

6. Sudden surge in complainants

Some people say that the greater the number of women who complain, the more convincing they are because there is corroboration and it reflects a certain consistency in Trump's behavior. I beg to differ. It appears to me that the high number of complaints presenting within a few days of each other gives the picture of a deliberate tactic to overwhelm the defences of Trump by denying him enough time to investigate each case or to find evidence to disprove their cases. It seems that the cynical aim is just to leave doubts in the minds of voters on November 8. It wants voters to think: "Well, one woman can lie, but not 6 or 7?" Whoever planned this is aware that it may be difficult to prove or disprove such accusations within a few weeks.

7. Coincidence

It is interesting to note that the Access Hollywood tape came out just before the 2nd debate. This time, these claims of sexual assault came out at the same time WikiLeaks was releasing thousands of emails that provide hard evidence of Clinton's crimes, lies, collusion and corruption. If you watch the mass media, there is frenzied coverage of these sexual accusations everywhere, and in contrast, there is a uniform blackout on those WikiLeaks email revelations. Why did the media value sex accusations cases so much more than issues of national importance which they totally ignore? Answer: total contrivance.


Considering all 7 factors, it appears that this rush of accusations of sexual assault is a well-planned coordinated attack on Donald Trump to prolong the voting public's negative perception of Trump's sexual behavior which was rather unfairly triggered by a recording of him sex-boasting during private locker-room talk 11 years ago. It seeks to distract from or drown out the genuine hard evidence WikiLeaks emails provide of Clinton's misdeeds. Voters must be made aware of all this as the mainstream media continues to bombard them with saucy stories.

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