Thomas Aquinas--Aristotle--Rene Descartes--Epicurus--Martin Heidegger--Thomas Hobbes--David Hume--Immanuel Kant--Soren Kierkegaard--Karl Marx--John Stuart Mill--Friedrich Nietzsche--Plato--Karl Popper--Bertrand Russell--Jean-Paul Sartre--Arthur Schopenhauer--Socrates--Baruch Spinoza--Ludwig Wittgenstein

Thursday, 22 December 2016

(A letter to the terrorist)

Where is there glory
In this suicidal savagery?
Where is there honor
In that bombing horror?

How is there glory 
If killing is your only duty?
How is there honor
If you want harm for the other?

Why is there glory 
By making misery a certainty?
Why is there honor
By bringing tears and hunger?

Yet, if you seek true glory,
Find it in truth and beauty.
If you strive for real honor,
Let goodness be the governor.

You'll see pure glory
In freedom and equality,
And find the highest honor
In justice - your new master.

Monday, 14 November 2016

       Don't worry America,      
Everything's gonna be alright!

Sunday, 13 November 2016

Why Clinton Lost

It is a great puzzle to me why people say they were shocked by Hillary Clinton's loss in the Presidential Election 5 days ago. Readers of this blog would have known that I support Donald Trump right from the beginning and the reason for my support is so obvious that, to me, it is a complete no-brainer. Basically, the reason has less to do with Trump and more to do with her own faults. For those who are still scratching their heads, these are the more important reasons:

1. Hillary Clinton is not suitable for public office because of her crimes.

She is involved in too many crimes, from breaching state secrets by illegally setting up an unsecured private email server in her house basement to conduct official business and divulging them to her aides and maid who had no security clearance, obstructing justice by destroying evidence of her crimes, being involved in corruptly selling favors to foreigners in blatant pay-for-play schemes under the Clinton Foundation, committing perjury by repeatedly lying to Congress about her email server, about the Clinton Foundation and about Benghazi, being involved in arms sales to terrorists, engaging paid disrupters to commit violent acts at Trump's rallies, planning voter fraud, and breaking campaign finance laws by accepting contributions from foreign donors through surrogates, etc.

2. She ran a very poor campaign.

This is all the more surprising given that she has been a career politician for 30 years and was involved in presidential campaigns against Barack Obama and Bernie Sanders. Yet, her campaign is devoid of that "one great idea" that is essential in capturing the imagination of her voters. Her campaign slogans had drifted from "I'm with Her", to "Make America Whole", to "Love and Kindness", to "Break Down Barriers", to "Build Ladders of Opportunity", to "Love Trumps Hate" and to "Stronger Together". With so many slogans, instead of reinforcing each other, they indicate that there is an identity crisis in her campaign that confuses voters as to what her reason for running was. Ok, "I'm with Her", but for what? Well, "Stronger Together", but to do what?

She also did not articulate her plans for America about reforming or improving Obama's policies. A large part of her campaign is about making accusations about her opponent and employing dirty tricks to paint him in the worst possible light. Together with a colluding mass media that almost exclusively ran non-stop negative stories about Trump from every possible angle, her campaign induced voter fatigue such that nobody wanted to listen anymore to these tiresome implausible accounts. 

3. She had lost touch with the common people and did not understand their needs.

While Trump was talking about jobs, immigration, national security, health insurance, childcare costs and education policies, she concentrated on maintaining the culture of political correctness by talking about bigotry, sexism, racism, xenophobia and Islamophobia. In her haste to push such issues, she also made the fatal error of attacking voters instead of just attacking Trump by labelling them as deplorable, irredeemable and "not America". That alone would have caused a large section of voters to never ever vote for her.

4. She lacks charisma.

Charisma is an essential quality in a political leader that can charm and inspire people to believe in her qualities and her mission. But, her voice, her tone, her choice of words, her expressions, her behavior and general demeanor did not engender trust nor attract voters towards her. In short, people find her hard to like.

So, the election result has less to do with what Trump did right and more to do with what she did wrong. The best things about Trump's campaign are nothing spectacular, but just common sense things. Her loss was triggered by an implosion within her campaign caused by WikiLeaks' revelations about her too many past and present scandals, her over-confidence leading to a lack of campaign preparation and coherence and a lack of personal qualities essential for the office of president of the USA. 

Sunday, 30 October 2016





So now, there are only 9 days to go before election day. After all the campaigning, all the debates, all the rallies, all the personal attacks, all the dirty tricks, all the media collusions, all the corruption, all the rigging, all the accusations, all the denials, all the Facebook postings and all the tweets, your decision boils down to 3 questions:

(1) Do you think it unwise of yourself to vote for a dishonest, untrustworthy and corrupt criminal to be your president?

(2) Do you think that things need to change for the better in America?

(3) Do you believe that your federal government is drowning in a swamp of corruption that needs to be drained?

If you answer "yes" to any or all of the 3 questions above, you cannot possibly vote for Hillary Clinton.  So, you must vote for Donald Trump!

Saturday, 15 October 2016

The Politics of Sexual Assault Accusations

With Hillary Clinton reeling from the massive release of Wikileaks hard evidence of her lies, collusion and corruption, her campaign had responded by suddenly highlighting several cases of women coming forward to accuse Donald Trump of past sexual assaults. The sudden rush of cases and the seemingly coordinated nature of these complaints slightly more than 3 weeks before Election Day is nothing short of extraordinary.

Without going into the details of each individual case, I'll be pointing out 7 factors that undermine the credibility of all these complaints.

1. Lateness

Why are these complaints made so close to Election Day? Election season for Trump actually started on 16 June 2015 when he formally announced his intention to run. That is a full 16 months ago. So, they had plenty of time and opportunity to start their complaints, yet they all chose to bring it out only now, 3 and a half weeks before Election Day. It appears that they want to influence the outcome of the election.

2. Coordination

Why did the women all come forward at the same time? It is as if the women felt that there is some urgency for them to be heard now and heard together. Why the urgency and the need for the stories to reinforce each other? This is highly suspicious.

3. Avenue of complaints

Why did all the women go to the media instead of reporting to the police or sue Trump in court? It appears that they are more interested in fueling publicity rather than genuinely seeking justice for their grievances.

4. Lack of spontaneity

Why did they not complain at the time when the alleged assault occurred? None of them had thought of complaining since the alleged incidents occurred. Then, suddenly, they all felt the need to speak out. This suggests that they may have been motivated by some person or agency; and since all the cases have this common characteristic, it is conceivable that they are motivated by the same person or agency.

5. Long history

Why did the women take such a long time after the alleged incidents to start complaining for the first time? One 74 year-old women claimed that she was assaulted when she was 38 while on a plane. That was a full 36 years ago! So, why now? It is quite incredible a person can wait 36 years before suddenly speaking out.

6. Sudden surge in complainants

Some people say that the greater the number of women who complain, the more convincing they are because there is corroboration and it reflects a certain consistency in Trump's behavior. I beg to differ. It appears to me that the high number of complaints presenting within a few days of each other gives the picture of a deliberate tactic to overwhelm the defences of Trump by denying him enough time to investigate each case or to find evidence to disprove their cases. It seems that the cynical aim is just to leave doubts in the minds of voters on November 8. It wants voters to think: "Well, one woman can lie, but not 6 or 7?" Whoever planned this is aware that it may be difficult to prove or disprove such accusations within a few weeks.

7. Coincidence

It is interesting to note that the Access Hollywood tape came out just before the 2nd debate. This time, these claims of sexual assault came out at the same time WikiLeaks was releasing thousands of emails that provide hard evidence of Clinton's crimes, lies, collusion and corruption. If you watch the mass media, there is frenzied coverage of these sexual accusations everywhere, and in contrast, there is a uniform blackout on those WikiLeaks email revelations. Why did the media value sex accusations cases so much more than issues of national importance which they totally ignore? Answer: total contrivance.


Considering all 7 factors, it appears that this rush of accusations of sexual assault is a well-planned coordinated attack on Donald Trump to prolong the voting public's negative perception of Trump's sexual behavior which was rather unfairly triggered by a recording of him sex-boasting during private locker-room talk 11 years ago. It seeks to distract from or drown out the genuine hard evidence WikiLeaks emails provide of Clinton's misdeeds. Voters must be made aware of all this as the mainstream media continues to bombard them with saucy stories.

Friday, 14 October 2016

The Surreal US Presidential Election 2016

As a blogger from South-East Asia observing world events for many years, I can't remember ever seeing something as bizarre as this year's US Presidential Election.

On the surface, it looks like both sides are conducting increasingly acrimonious campaigns against each other; but their rhetoric do not seem to be directed at each other, more like past each other.

Extraordinarily, Clinton's campaign hardly talks about her vision for America or her take on significant issues. Most of her firepower is directed at attacking Trump personally, using every word, phrase, sentence or old audio recordings of Trump's to turn them negatively in every which way she can; no matter how mundane, harmless, commonplace, irrelevant or out-of-context they may be. Her campaign will then have these allegations repeated ad nauseum by surrogate agencies who disguise themselves as official news media round the clock. Together with coordinated trivial stories about how they impact on polls and anecdotal accounts of reactions from Republican elites, this blanket coverage by highly recognizable news outlets is so well-synchronized that one would have marvelled at their consistency if not for the fact that you are equally horrified by their utter implausibility. The surreal nature of this phenomenon is aggravated by the child-like gullibility of those in position and power and, frankly, who should know better than to buy into this unlikely narrative. You cringe when you hear politicians and pundits suddenly spouting prudish and puritan pronouncements about their own personal behavior even when they are in their own private space. Everyone suddenly swears that they never talk like men (or women), when they are at the pub, in the yacht, in the changing room, or "locker room", if you prefer the term, or in your intimate moments in your own bedroom ...

"Am I going to be the first one to admit it? No, not me. I'm good, I'm clean, respectful and polite at any time, in any place! You? ... I'm sure you wouldn't dare to say otherwise!" This is just like a mirror-image of real locker-room talk where men outdo each other boasting about their sexual prowess and recklessness; and women about how easily they wrap their fingers around their men. The more outrageous the claim, the better, or if you have the stomach to listen, the more vulgar it is, the better. Of course, this kind of banter is usually exaggerated or, more likely than not, an on-the-spot fictional contrivance, the nature of which is implicitly understood by all present. Nobody ever takes this kind of talk seriously ..., perhaps only when it conveniently shows up as an ancient dusty audiotape to be exploited for political gain. I daresay, if we are on Mars and a Martian politician were to pull this sort of stunt, everyone will end up on the floor holding their stomach in uncontrollable laughter. Unfortunately, we are on Earth and Earthlings say in all seriousness that such talk, if detected, is incontrovertible evidence of one's moral weakness and no one should look at this person in the same way again. Ever. No amount of pointing out of the obvious is going to help undo the stupor of political correctness.

To me, it strikes me as the silliest thing in the world for an election outcome to hang on such a frivolity. Of course, don't get me wrong - morality is of utmost importance, but, this Access Hollywood tape is of dubious value if you are really interested in morality. Just be a little smarter - don't fall into the hands of moral manipulators!

On the other hand, Trump has built his case with a list of policy changes in the midst of allegations of Clinton's incompetence, dishonesty, collusion, corruption and crimes involving state secrets, perjury and obstruction of justice. He is being helped by well-timed periodic releases of hacked Clinton emails by WikiLeaks, whose intentions are unclear except that they are doing their best to undermine her campaign. The fantastic part of these leaks are not the juicy bits in the email which in an ordinary world would have ended any election campaign immediately; but the amazing extent these expose are being apparently ignored by former journalists of the mainstream media who have suddenly switched careers en masse and become campaign volunteers for Clinton. It is as if journalism had ceased to exist in America in an instant! Equally incredible is the apparent willingness of supposed poll participants to base their judgement more on Trump's compromising private conversation than the hard evidence of official Clinton emails detailing corruption, collusion, crime and treasonous political agenda. In Mars, Clinton would have been disqualified a long time ago, much less, to still appear in the polls.

In fact, since we are on the subject of fantasy, dreams and surrealism, my idea of a perfect 2016 US Presidential Election would be one between Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders battling it out in a contest of policy proposals sorely needed to revitalize a slumping America whose malaise is the real legacy of Obama's poor 8 years of stewardship. In that dream world, no one will talk about Trump's supposed sex scandals and Sander's assumed socialist tendencies. Come to think of it, if the Democratic Party had not rigged their Primaries, Sanders would have been nominated and this ideal contest would have materialized. Democracy would have been less molested, but since claims of molestation of one form or another are rampant on Earth (or is it only in America?), we have to find democracy elsewhere in the solar system ... probably on Mars!

Now that the lewd talk audiotape has been discredited as evidence for Trump's disrespect for women, there is suddenly a rush of new accusations of sexual misconduct 3 weeks before Election Day. There, the Clinton dirty tricks machine is rolling again.

Just think, how come there are so many new accusations and only now? They are obviously politically-motivated. So, Americans, don't be fooled again. It is easy to accuse but difficult to substantiate. Clearly, these accusations are designed to influence the Election result. 

Remember: now it is a battle between Trump and the American people on one side; and the political, media and monied elites on the other. It's time to save your country! If you want to stop the bad policies of the past and to stop the widespread corruption of the federal Government and the political elites, vote for Trump!

Thursday, 13 October 2016

A victim of relentless dirty tricks

The US is now the laughing stock of the world because the US Government, the elite politicians from both parties, the mainstream press and media are all climbing over each other trying to attack one man round the clock. Why are they so afraid of him?

It is so ridiculous that their main piece of evidence against him is an accidental 11-year old audio recording of a private conversation he had with a media personality. In it, he was trying to impress the other party with his alleged sexual exploits. Well, I've news for you. Whatever is said privately don't count! That's because you don't know what other people and politicians say in their own private space. You don't know what Hillary or Obama say in their private space. It could be that they don't say lewd things at all; or they may say things far worse than Trump. You will never know, precisely because they are said privately. So, you can't assume what Trump said is terrible because you haven't heard what others say in their own "locker room". Until you've heard what everybody says privately can you make a comparison and judge as to how bad Trump's words are. You also can't compare what someone says privately with what others say publicly.

So, by its very nature, private conversations are private and are not normally heard by others. They are like thoughts. We cannot be judged by our thoughts, but by our actions. If, by chance, such conversations are heard or recorded, their agreeability cannot be ascertained since no comparison could be made with the private conversations of others. A thing is bad only if there are other things that are better. Therefore, that recording of Trump's private sexual boasting can be dismissed as irrelevant and it should not negatively prejudice our impression of his character. 

The use of this video is just a dishonest and dishonorable piece of political trickery. So, Americans, don't be fooled.

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Donald and Hillary

If you think Donald is rude,
Sexist, vulgar or even crude,
Please try not to be a prude.
He's gonna do a lot of good.

Evidence, Hillary obliterated
For the crimes she committed.
Justice has been obstructed
In a system fully corrupted. 

November 8th will be the day
When you will have your say,
Whether it's still pay for play
Or back to the American way!

Monday, 10 October 2016


Throughout the Democratic presidential campaign, I was mystified by 3 things:

(1) What is Hillary Clinton's vision for America and the main reason for her to run for President?
As her campaign wears on, her slogans had been "I'm with Her", "Make America Whole", "Love and Kindness", "Break Down Barriers", "Build Ladders of Opportunity", "Love Trumps Hate" and finally, "Stronger Together". The vagueness and the rapidity with which each slogan is adopted and discarded gives one the impression that none of them is genuine. At least, we know that Donald Trump is running to "Make America Great Again".

(2) Why did the Democratic Party feel the compulsion to undemocratically rig the Primaries against Bernie Sanders to nominate Clinton when Sanders was more popular and, unlike her, he was free from a long history of past or present scandals; and in all likelihood, would trounce Trump easily in the General Election? 
So, it is inexplicable that the Democratic Party went out of its way to, in one way or another, to nominate Clinton. It seems that there is a real need to ensure that only Hillary is made President.

(3) Why is it that, given Clinton's vast political experience, polish and knowledge, she found it necessary to concentrate on personal attacks, trying to slant every word he utters in a negative way and digging out decades-old audio and video footage of Trump caught in potentially politically-incorrect situations to conjure false public uproars?
One would have thought she should have the confidence to outsmart, out-think and out-talk him easily. After all, she is a career politician for 30 years and Trump is only into politics now. So, if gutter politics is her main weapon, one wonders what is the source of such desperation.

After watching the second debate, I am no longer mystified! While everybody was talking about the fireworks at the debate, discussing the proceedings and conjecturing about who actually won the debate, one moment in the debate struck me as most significant.

At a crucial point, Trump said that if he becomes president, he would instruct his attorney general to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate her case of deleting 33,000 emails AFTER a congressional subpoena was issued to specifically preserve those emails. Clinton replied haltingly that it is "awfully good that someone with the temperament of Trump is not in charge of the law in our country." To which, Trump blasted "because you'd be in jail!" At that instant, the audience exploded into loud cheers. If you look at her expression and hear her tone when she was replying, you find that she suddenly looked so old, wearing a pained look with a faltering voice; and her downcast eyes upon hearing Trump's rebuttal and the spontaneous audience reaction, you will not miss that what Trump said touched a very raw nerve. The false smile which she employs whenever she is caught out is gone. This, I think, is a very significant moment. She knows she had done wrong and that it is unfair to all Americans that she is getting off scot-free.

If my theory that Hillary is running for the presidency mainly to avoid prosecution is correct, it will make perfect sense to the 3 mysteries above. She apparently does not have a vision or reason to run because her real reason may be to avoid jail by becoming president. Bernie Sanders was sacrificed because she is unsure if Bernie will collude with the Justice Department or not, to spare her. And she is using mainly smear tactics against Trump because she hates him for threatening to jail her.

I rest my case.

Sunday, 9 October 2016

Donald Trump

Final comments on the lewd talk video: it is amazing how politicians of both parties and the mainstream media are all hypocritically behaving like little children, getting themselves into a frenzy over decade-old private alpha-male boasting talk which, to be frank, sounded rather mild. These are the kinds of talk you hear everywhere at the pub, at the beach, at the swimming pool, at the club-house changing room, etc. Donald merely told how he failed to bed someone and the truism that when you are a star, women will throw themselves at you! We would expect Donald to be someone like that! This shouldn't even be news, much less should we bat an eyelid.

So, this is just a piece of Democrat dirty trick designed to cover up Clinton's real problems about her advocacy of open borders, about her double-talk, about her appeasement of voters and about her admission of having lost touch with Americans. This little trick wouldn't have worked if politicians and media people could just grow up and act like smart adults.

I bet the average American voter is much smarter than them to be fooled by that!

Saturday, 8 October 2016

Donald Trump
Is lewd talk the final nail in Donald Trump's coffin?

I don't think so! Just ask ourselves: why is an 11 year-old video only released 48 hours before the crucial 2nd presidential debate? Answer: this is made so by Clintonian left-wing design, a ploy so predictable that it works like clockwork. Let's see ... Step 1: pick some innocuous past event about Trump like Trump calling an overweight former Miss Universe fat 20 years ago; like Trump suffering business losses to the tune of $915m 21 years ago; like Trump claiming legitimate tax deductions; and now like Trump caught bragging about his sexual exploits in a private boys-talk conversation 11 years ago. Step 2: all mainstream news outlets scream outrage in concerted hysteria and coordinated over-reaction. Step 3: highlight prominent Republican leaders who take the bait to withdraw their support for Mr Trump out of self-interested defensiveness. Step 4: Clinton to keep harping on it during the debate so that it overshadows all other issues and effectively distract from her own proven crimes and corruption.

So, do not be distracted by this latest attempt to discredit Trump by using an old recording. It is designed to raise false alarm and make mountains out of molehills. From the tone and language of locker-room banter, it is obvious the 2 men were engaging in some playful boy-talk. The only unfortunate thing is that it was recorded and now misused for political purposes. This will not weaken the support of smart Trump supporters but it's designed to demoralize the Trump campaign.

Perhaps, let's hear from the 2005 video itself and listen in to Trump apparently discussing about a failed attempt to seduce a woman with show host Billy Bush.

“I moved on her, and I failed. I’ll admit it,”

"Whoa,” another voice said.

“I did try and f--- her. She was married.”

“And I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, ‘I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture.’”

“I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.”

When an actress, Arianne Zucker, appeared in the video, Billy Bush said “Your girl’s hot as s---, in the purple.”

“Whoa!” Trump said “Whoa!”

“I’ve got to use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her. You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.”

“Whatever you want,” says another voice.

“Grab them by the p---y,” Trump says. “You can do anything.”

So, there you have it. It was a private talk between 2 men. If you don't know, in the adult world, men like to brag about their real and imagined sexual exploits to each other. It's the male equivalent of girl-talk. Yes, it is embarrassing when exposed, but it can hardly be taken as evidence of a serious character flaw in Trump.

Remember, the real issues of the presidency are: (1) whether change in policies is necessary, and (2) whether corruption in American politics should be stopped.

Thursday, 22 September 2016

The First US Presidential Debate 
26 Sept 2016

With the crucial first debate just round the corner, one wonders how Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are preparing for this special event which, given the unprecedented level of animosity between them and the tight race, promises to be a make-or-break affair for both parties. 

In The O'Reilly Factor television show, conservative political pundit Bill O'Reilly interviewed and asked Mr Jay Townsend, the author of "10 Worst Mistakes Candidates Make" for any useful pointers for both candidates, especially the mistakes to avoid during the debate.

In line with the spirit of O'Reilly's "no spin zone", the good Mr Townsend volunteered the following advice:

For Hillary Clinton:

(1) Don't lie (again), especially not saying something now that contradicts what she said before.

(2) Don't show any sign of ill-health like coughing, fainting, stiffness, epileptic fit, short-circuiting, forgetfulness, physical weakness or, heaven forbid, actually collapsing on stage!

(3) Do not go blank when asked to articulate her reason for running for President. Up till now, nobody knows her reason!

For Donald Trump:

(1) Do not lose his temper, or else, all bets are off.

(2) Do not say or do anything that can give people even the slightest or remotest chance of interpreting it as being sexist, racist, misogynist, xenophobic, Islamophobic, etc (ya, in short, just being firmly in the Deplorable Basket).

(3) Do not be condescending towards Mrs Clinton. So, do not call Crooked Hillary crooked!

I hope that helps.

Thursday, 4 August 2016


If you're thinking of voting for Donald Trump in November, please consider these three questions first:

1. Does America want to take the risk of electing a businessman who is straight-talking, unsophisticated and politically inexperienced, often politically-incorrect, prone to thoughtlessly shooting his mouth off and offending people, more than a little boring, has full of enemies from both the left and the right, the favorite whipping-boy of the mainstream media, and full of novel and untested ideas as President of the United States? If so, please vote Trump.

2. Does America want to break with the familiarity of its present path and go bravely into the uncharted waters of new security measures, new immigration and economic policies, a roll-back of national debt, the re-writing of trade agreements, a new national health insurance system, an escalated war against ISIS, renegotiated international defense arrangements and a less adversarial approach to relations with Russia and China? If so, please vote for Trump.

3. Does America want to overhaul its political system such that corruption, special interests and lobby groups will no longer play any part in it, so that the people's political and democratic rights could be restored to their rightful place? If so, please vote for Trump. 

Thank you and good luck!

Wednesday, 3 August 2016


If you're thinking of voting for Hillary Clinton in November, please consider these three questions first:

1. Does America want a dishonest and corrupted person who had been proven to have committed a felony (serious crime) and is a beneficiary of election fraud as President of the United States? If so, please vote Clinton.

2. Does America want to continue with the present path of worsening racial divisions, of doubling of the national debt from US$10.6 trillion to US$20 trillion over the last 8 years, of the lack of progress in financial reform, of declining US manufacturing industries due to imbalanced trade deals, of persisting with the ObamaCare fiasco, of failure of immigration policy which contributed to the crisis at the southern border, of a disastrous and ineffectual Middle East policy which had left Iraq, Syria and Libya in disorder and become a hotbed of ISIS terrorist activity, and of loss of American influence and prestige such that she could not respond to Russian aggression in Crimea and a belligerent China in the South China Sea? If really so, please vote for Clinton.

3. Does America want to continue to tolerate a broken political system ruled by dishonesty, corruption, special interests, lobbies, election fraud and politicians more concerned about their own political careers than the good of their country? If so, please vote for Clinton.

Thank you and good luck!
DONALD TRUMP will win the presidency!

How do I know that? Well, Obama told me that and the Khans (Gold Star family) told me that.

For the uninitiated, let me tell you that the American political scene is a jungle and the mainstream American media is a dungeon full of lies, scandals and corruption. To get to the truth, you have to get above the cacophony of laughable fiction that try to pass off as news and see the real action behind the words.

Notice how Obama has now abandoned all pretense of dignity and impartiality as a standing president and now goes for a full-blooded attack on Mr Trump, the opponent of his party's nominee.

Notice how, the Gold Star family, the Khans, were exploited to repeatedly attack Mr Trump viciously and without provocation; and then without any shame, claim afterwards that it was Mr Trump who attacked them! The media bullies had also gone berserk echoing their claims.

What all this boils down to is this: Trump is going to win and the Democrats already know that! The Democrats are in desperation mode now and it is already showing even at this early stage.

Read this article by Kit Daniels and you'll know what I mean.

Tuesday, 2 August 2016


Let's settle this question once and for all.

Khizr Khan: (Accusing Trump) " You have sacrificed nothing, and no one."

Warren Buffett: "No member of the Trump family has gone to Iraq or Afghanistan. We’ve both done extremely well. Our families haven’t sacrificed anything, Donald Trump hasn’t sacrificed anything.”

Mr Trump had been accused of insulting Mr Khan and his wife by his reply (he actually didn't insult them), but, if anything, I think Mr Khan and Mr Buffett have both insulted Mr Trump by belittling Mr Trump's sacrifices.

It appears that both Mr Khan and Mr Buffett have narrowly defined sacrifice as having a family member or offspring killed in a war in a foreign land.

Ok, let's look at what the word "sacrifice" really means:

"The act of giving up something highly valued for the sake of something else considered to have a greater value or claim."

"An act of giving up something valued for the sake of something else regarded as more important or worthy."

"A sacrifice is a loss or something you give up, usually for the sake of a better cause."

And what was Donald Trump's reply to his interviewer? Oh, let's look at the transcript:

Mr. Stephanopoulos asked: “How would you answer that father? What sacrifice have you made for your country?”
Mr. Trump: “I think I've made a lot of sacrifices. I work very, very hard. I've created thousands and thousands of jobs. Tens of thousands of jobs."
Mr. Stephanopoulos: “Those are sacrifices?”
Mr. Trump: “Oh, sure. I think they’re sacrifices. I think when I can employ thousands and thousands of people, take care of their education, take care of so many things….I was very responsible, along with a group of people, for getting the Vietnam Memorial built in downtown Manhattan, which to this day people thank me for. I raised and I have raised millions of dollars for the vets, I’m helping the vets a lot, I think my popularity with the vets is through the roof.”
So, Trump says he has sacrificed a lot of his time and energy building up his business and overcoming many setbacks. In fact, by employing tens of thousands of people, he has greatly contributed to the US economy and secured the livelihood of so many families. Keeping in mind the 3 dictionary definitions of "sacrifice" above, I think Trump is right - he has made some sacrifices.
But I think his greatest sacrifice is his decision to contest the US presidency. Right from the start, he knew he would be falsely accused, mislabeled, ridiculed and attacked relentlessly; but he is willing to sacrifice his privacy, his comfortable life and his reputation in order to fight for the American people and Make America Great Again. 
I rest my case.

Tuesday, 5 July 2016


28th June 2016, Ataturk Airport attack, Istanbul, Turkey, 44 people killed.

1st July 2016, Holey Artisan Cafe massacre, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 20 people killed.

3rd July 2016, Baghdad car bomb, Iraq, more than 200 people killed.

4th July 2016, Medina mosque bomb, Saudi Arabia, 4 people killed.

In just this last one week, there were 4 terrorist attacks killing more than 268 people. Not only are these attacks not ending, they are becoming more frequent. Homo sapiens as a race has gone bonkers. It's probably the only species that kills its own kind so mindlessly.

I hereby rename our species Homo morologus!

Friday, 17 June 2016

(A dedication to my wife)

My darling, angelic bright.
If ever you're out of sight,
I'll miss you day and night.
Misery will be my plight.

My darling, my guiding light.
From now, I'll have no fright
For worldly evils I can't fight.
All I need is to hold you tight.

My darling, my sheer delight.
Break out singing I just might.
Glorious dreams will take flight
When the love I feel is so right.

Sunday, 29 May 2016


So, it has silently come to be,
A place hostile to you and me.
In stillness I can clearly see,
I'm now virtue's last refugee.

In building a bulldozer army,
We created our own enemy.
In the name of our economy,
We surrender our autonomy.

In every spot, every corner,
Rolls the bulldozer monster.
To every sight, every chatter,
It is now the supreme master.

Yet, the victims line the street,
Prostrate at democracy's feet.
When arguments never meet,
Blind worship can turn sweet.

If in the bulldozer I idly sit,
Truly, I feel I'm not the bandit.
In destroying all that resist it,
The machine is the real culprit.

So if we see a line in the sand,
We'll have to take a stand.
To save our beloved land,
We'll need to have every hand.

Monday, 9 May 2016


On 8 September 2015, at a rally during the last General Election, our Prime Minister Mr Lee Hsien Loong said: "The world is changing. Singapore is changing. Our politics will have to change... But we have to work together even if we have to work harder to have a national consensus ..." 

I agree with what he said and it is in that spirit that I'm proposing for public and Government consideration a Governor-Mayor System (GMS) to be installed in every constituency.

It is hoped that it can help address and resolve most of Singapore's outstanding political problems in the following ways:

1. Partisan grassroots organizations 

GMS: The winner of an election will become the MP-Governor of that ward. He/she will be the leader in charge of the town council as well as the people's voice in Parliament. The best loser in that election will be the Mayor who will be responsible for the day-to-day running of the town council and assist the MP-Governor in resolving the problems of residents. So, every constituency will be served by a team of 2 people from different political parties. Because both will be holding official appointments, grassroots organizations will have to serve both officials without prejudice.

2. Hostility and negative campaigning between political parties

GMS: Both the MP-Governor and the Mayor will work together in the same office so that they can learn to build consensus through a spirit of common national purpose. Gradually, this friendship between them will have a positive contagion effect on relations between political parties and adversarial politics and personal attacks will slowly disappear.

3. Wasteful political rivalry

GMS: Instead of their political differences becoming a bone of contention, they will become a source of strength in generating creative solutions for the town council and the community. They can also collaborate, build synergy and bring to fruition the non-overlapping social programs that they have each promised during their election campaign. Capitalizing on their plurality maximizes scarce political talent and resources.

4. The limitations of a part-time MP

GMS: Since work is shared between the MP-Governor and the Mayor, their workload will be lighter and therefore they will be able to cope despite working part-time. Accordingly, the original MP allowance will be shared according to the proportion of their popular vote, eg in Bukit Batok, it may be a 61:39 split in the allowance.

5. The objectionable upgrading carrots and town council politics

GMS: When election time comes, both the MP-Governor and the Mayor can join the fray as opposing candidates, and having seen them in action over 4 to 5 years, voters will be in a much better position to judge them on their character, their ideas, their deeds and their ability to be a team player. Dangling of carrots like upgrading and other projects will become obsolete vote-motivators because people now know that the top 2 candidates will eventually work on these projects jointly.

6. The persistent clamor for alternative voices

GMS: Because the PAP and the opposition will always work together in every town council and in every constituency, people will realize that alternative thinking will eventually be incorporated into Government policies. Having alternative voices for their own sakes will be a thing of the past. Supporters from both sides will unite when they see their leaders already working together.

7. The lack of political renewal

GMS: The novel idea of the best loser in an election being appointed mayor means that opportunities for political work will increase. This will encourage more talented people to enter politics and also increase the pool of people familiar or competent with town council work. The next generation of political leaders will emerge when people begin to see politics as a viable career choice.


For this GMS to work, a transformative change of mindset in the whole of Singaporean society is necessary. Politics should be seen less as a competitive activity, but more as an art of conciliation, compromise and collaboration. The GMS will become part of our ongoing meritocratic experiment of seeking "what works" as started by the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew.

Saturday, 7 May 2016

The day after - a time for sobriety

Now that Mr Murali Pillai of the PAP has scored an expected easy victory with 61.2% of the votes, we can reasonably draw 12 conclusions about Singaporean voters:

1. Voters trust the PAP fully and are willing to continue to leave the running of their country to them unquestioningly.

2. Voters think that a Parliament dominated overwhelmingly by one party is good for them.

3. There is a large group of voters who have no inclination to actively participate in the governing of their own country and who are largely unaware of their own political beliefs, but they are forced to vote because voting is compulsory.

4. Voters are not looking for a representative who shares common political beliefs with them. They are also not concerned about exercising their own political rights through this representative. They are merely looking for a capable candidate with good character to be their MP and are quite willing to allow his party to manage their political rights for them in whatever way the party sees fit.

5. Voters continue to think that they are doing a candidate a favor by voting him into Parliament rather than think that their MPs are doing them a favor by representing them in Parliament. They do not realize that an election is more about the voters identifying and electing the candidate who can represent their political interests rather than it is about the political ambitions of the candidate.

6. Voters do not vote along racial lines.

7. Voters vote for the PAP despite the poor moral qualities of their MPs in two recent episodes when they were involved in alleged extramarital affairs with their own party activists.

8. Voters believe that MPs can discharge their political duties fully even if they are only part-timers.

9. Voters will always reject those candidates who were said to have made mistakes in the past.

10. Candidates whom voters rejected in SMC contests can suddenly become acceptable to voters if these same candidates contest in GRCs later.

11. Voters are not concerned about whether undesirable tactics employed during election campaigning may mislead them into voting for the wrong candidate.

12. Voters tend to view their MPs more as estate managers rather than representatives of their political interests, of which they are highly ignorant.

It is highly creditable that voters here do not vote according to racial lines, but the other 11 conclusions make me have serious misgivings about the political realities in Singapore. Given that they are unlikely to change much in the foreseeable future, participants and would-be participants in our political arena should think very carefully about the part they should play in order to help develop Singapore society and secure its future.

I must say that given the state of our electorate , we are extremely fortunate to be ruled by the PAP who have, at least, ruled Singapore sensibly and ensured the material well-being of Singaporeans. But, if the party becomes corrupted or totalitarian in the future, our electorate will be incapable of saving itself even if we have free and fair elections. In the light of a highly ignorant and sometimes self-sabotaging electorate, we must pray very hard every night that the PAP stays honorable and conscientious.

Sorry folks, but I told you so.

Just read:
Why the PAP will keep winning and the opposition keep losing"
Today's The Day

Whoever wins, please serve honestly and sincerely!